You know when you’re a little girl and you dream of what your life would look like? Fast forward about 20 plus years … are you anywhere near where you thought? Or does life look insanely different? You know that little house (mine was yellow) with a covered wrap around porch, two rocking chairs, the mom (me) and the husband/dad just sitting there enjoying the warm summer evening while the 2.5 kids are running around the front yard (adorned with a white picket fence) with the golden retriever named Penny. Life is perfect. Life is easy. Life is smooth. Life is predictable. I can promise you my life looks nothing what I ever dreamed – it is so much more! We don’t have that yellow house, white picket fence, or even a golden retriever named Penny. Instead I have a husband of 11+ years, three beautiful girls, and a crazy Jack Russell Chihuahua in a small town in Wyoming.
Hi, I’m Whitney – a mom of three, a co-lead pastor with my husband, and Disney addict. Life has taken us quite literally all over the country from Pennsylvania to Wyoming to Maryland to Florida and back to Wyoming. This is going to be a place where I ramble on about all the things. Everything from Disney to pastoring to being a mom to being a mom of a deaf kid to makeup (because I’m addicted to that as well). This will be a place of encouragement, sharing tips, tricks, recipes, weightloss, and secrets, as well as a tell all of whatever is on my heart.
I promise you, I’m not your average pastor with not your average life. We will share all things Disney and all things Jesus with a sprinkled bit of unique perspective. So get ready – hold on tight – this is going to be a crazy ride.
Do you have questions about Jesus? Makeup? Want to take that Disney trip but have no idea how to even go about it? Just found out that your kiddo might be deaf and are terrified and do not even know where to start? I’ve got you, boo. Let’s explore this crazy life as I share all of my experiences, reviews, and share all of the resources that I know of.
I’m a jack of all trades – deaf kids, daughters, Jesus, preschool teacher, Disney, marriage, pastoring … it is all a part of me! Let’s learn and discover together!