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A Pastor, A Mama, And The Mouse

Our Blog

So this is Christmas …

I've been so quiet around here and for that I'm sorry. In August, I quit my job out of town and started a job that to be honest - quite scared me. I left my world of early childhood and entered teaching Kindergarten - the thing that I always passed my kiddos onto. So,...

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Wednesday Wisdom: Time.

Time - it's a commodity that no one ever has enough of. You can't get it back. You can't multiply it. You can't make it do what you want - bend it how you want it bent. It's something that is wished away quickly but then so desperately desired to have back. I remember...

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Wednesday Wisdom: FREEEEEDOM

The beautiful thing about my new series "Wednesday Wisdom" is that you're going to get everything that God is speaking directly to me. So hold on tight, it's going to be a crazy ride while I try to portray everything He's speaking. The past like .... month I have been...

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Things I wish I had! Disney Addition

We all knew that it had been sweltering down in Florida before heading there for 4th of July ... did we care ... NO. But did we learn that we were missing some vital things ... yes! So learn from us ... haha. These are items as a family of 5 (Mom and Dad, a 10yo, a...

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To Character Dine or Not

When you think Disney what is the first thing that pops into your mind? On the count of 3 we will say it together .... ready? 1 ...... 2 ..... 3 ..... CHARACTERS!!!! This holds true to dining as well. There are many options for dining types - you can go for simply a...

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Beauty Pageant or Preparing for War

Maybe ... just maybe ... you were created for such a time as this (Esther 4:14) The story of Queen Esther is one of my favorites. It was kind of an aspiration as I was growing up to be used in such a mighty way as Esther was. She was a nobody (like a lot of the other...

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Let’s Chat Disney’s Riviera!

We are big Disney fans ... that's without say. We were engaged in Mary Poppins Gardens at the Grand Floridian on Christmas Night. We were married while docked in Nassau, Bahamas on the Disney Dream and then honeymooned for a week while staying at Bay Lake Tower. From...

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House rules Do you have a hard time setting rules in your house - I know that we do. I found this awesome blog post about exactly that and wanted to share. We have been trying so hard to get our girls to follow...

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Read All About It

One of my favorite things to do is read. I love a good book - the experiences you get, the adventures you go on, and A new favorite author that I have found is hosanna wong. Her love for Jesus, her view points, and way with words is simply unsurpassable. I recently...

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Rules Rules Rules

You ever feel like that bad parent? Like all you do is yell and punish your child because they just can’t seem to figure it out? You’re trying your hardest not to lose your cool or to yell or to punish because kids are kids but then they just take full advantage of...

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