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So this is Christmas …

I’ve been so quiet around here and for that I’m sorry. In August, I quit my job out of town and started a job that to be honest – quite scared me. I left my world of early childhood and entered teaching Kindergarten – the thing that I always...

It’s right there …. just open your eyes.

Have you ever been praying for something and praying for something and it actually happens but you don’t recognize it so because it doesn’t LOOK how YOU wanted it to look? You’re looking for God in the every day and the mundane and He is showing up...

Wednesday Wisdom: Time.

Time – it’s a commodity that no one ever has enough of. You can’t get it back. You can’t multiply it. You can’t make it do what you want – bend it how you want it bent. It’s something that is wished away quickly but then so...

Wednesday Wisdom: FREEEEEDOM

The beautiful thing about my new series “Wednesday Wisdom” is that you’re going to get everything that God is speaking directly to me. So hold on tight, it’s going to be a crazy ride while I try to portray everything He’s speaking. The...