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A Pastor, A Mama, And The Mouse

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One of my favorite things to do is read. I love a good book – the experiences you get, the adventures you go on, and

A new favorite author that I have found is hosanna wong. Her love for Jesus, her view points, and way with words is simply unsurpassable. I recently read How (NOT) to save the world and it helped me through an insanely hard time. We had just become lead pastors and I really felt as though everything was falling straight onto my shoulders. Like I wasn’t doing enough (I know I know those were all lies from the enemy), I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t know enough … like I needed to be the savior of everyone I came in contact with because, ya know, I had a much higher calling as a pastor and now a lead pastor to boot. Let me just stop right there and tell you if you’re having those exact same feelings – I’m sorry! Tell the enemy to go straight back to where he needs to go. You’re not Jesus. You’re not God … it doesn’t fall on your shoulders. You just be those physical hands and feet of Jesus. Love people to Him and let Him change them. You just show them who He is and how much He loves them. She has a new book coming out soon called “You are more than you’ve been told”. I already have it preordered on audible (I like to listen to Hosanna on my 4am commutes to work) and will most definitely be ordering her book when it comes out in print.

Another one of my favorite authors is Jodi Picoult. I think the first time that I read one of her books (My Sister’s Keeper) I was in High School. Since then I have tried to purchase all of her books that I personally can. She has a way with just simply whisking you away and drawing you in that you just can’t put her books down. I have hidden in Salem Falls, I have walked beside Willow and her parents in Handle With Care, I pondered what happened to Emily right alongside her parents as they dug for answers in The Pact, and I have been submersed into the Amish culture in Plain Truth. You will never be the same and become simply addicted to her works after you pick up her first book.

The third author that is hands down my favorite would be Christine Caine. I first heard about Christine back in college. Some friends of mine introduced me to the A21 campaign – a human trafficking effort that was (and still is) changing the world for women who are caught in the trafficking world. She has helped save so many women from this awful industry and help reintegrate them into society and make them realize and feel like they are worth more than they’ve ever been told. This time last year I picked up her book “How did I get here” just to pass some time and was completely enamored by the realization that I, too, had drifted away and didn’t even realize it. When life starts to take turns that you didn’t even realize you were making and you start to question how did I even get here … she brings light to the small movements, thoughts, and moments that begin to get us off track and how we can find our way back.

And of course if you’re just looking for a good bible study or a book simply for moms Amazon has so many. My favorite pastime is to look for more books to purchase even though I have a bunch in a pile to read. I’m kind of addicted to buying books – and my girls are picking up on it. I just tend to do a simple search and let the books speak to me (kind of like people let target speak to them … I let my books do the speaking)

Christian books for moms you can check out all of my favorites (and a lot more) here!

Who are your favorite authors? Any books that I absolutely need to read?? Let me know below!


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